With the top B2B Marketing Digital Agency worldwide

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Development, design, content, ads, and all you need in one subscription

1 - 3 month

you save on hiring a marketer


you save on agency services annually

160 hours

you can quickly grow and track progress monthly

B2B Digital Marketing Agency That Creates Customized Solutions In Your Field For 5 Years

B2B specialization

We have a deep understanding of the complex B2B industry and 5 years of experience solving problems in your niche: Crypto, Fintech, SaaS, etc.

Fast communication

We understand the value of a prompt response and will not keep you waiting. With over 100 people on the NinjaPromo team, we can start working on the same-day.

Turnkey basis

We provide a full range of b2b marketing services and build a strategy to promote, advertise, and increase lead generation.

We already have experience in your B2B industry


Build a robust marketing strategy to stand out in a overloaded crypto world


Implement an end-to-end strategy to multiply your revenue and elevate business profits

Financial Services

Build a successful online presence through a range of tactics that propel growth


Keep up with increasing buyer expectations through a B2B marketing strategy

Software as a Service

Stand out from the competition with a strategic marketing roadmap


Outlast the ever-evolving tech marketplace with flexible marketing strategies

Get a proposal in a free consultation with our B2B marketing manager

Scale your business with digital marketing programs from the leading B2B marketing agency

We have already solved the problems you are currently facing hundreds of times and can curate a compelling B2B marketing campaign in order to develop your brand

Marketing Roadmap

  • Brand Positioning & Messaging

  • Marketing Strategy Development

Exchange & Investor Realtions

  • Market Making

  • Investor Relations


  • B2B Inbound Marketing

  • B2B PPC

  • Display Ads

  • Email Marketing

  • B2B SEO


  • Branding & Identity

  • Rebranding

  • UX/UI Design & Development

  • Presentation Material Design

  • Video Production


  • B2B Social Media Marketing

  • B2B Lead Generation

  • B2B Demand Generation

  • Community Management 24/7

  • B2B Content Marketing

PR & Influencers

  • B2B PR

  • B2B Influencer Marketing

  • Media & Press Relations

  • Non-Blockchain Influencer Outreach

  • Podcasts

Get all these B2B marketing services in one subscription


/40 Hours Per Month

$80 per hour

1-2 regular tasks


/80 Hours Per Month

$70 per hour

3-4 regular tasks


/160 Hours Per Month

60 per hour

Full marketing dept

“How Do We Measure The Effectiveness Of B2B Marketing?”

Evaluating the success of your B2B marketing programs is not always straightforward. To measure their effectiveness, it’s important to look at both quantitative and qualitative metrics.

Quantitative measures can be tracked easily with analytics tools, giving you an objective measure of success. Here are some examples of how we track the success of our B2B marketing services:

Lead generation

The number of new leads generated through marketing efforts

Conversion rate

The percentage of leads that turn into customers

Return on marketing investment (ROMI)

The revenue generated from marketing efforts divided by your B2B marketing investments

Customer acquisition cost

The total cost of marketing efforts divided by the number of new customers acquired

Customer lifetime value (CLV)

The estimated total revenue generated by a customer during their relationship with the company

We have our own research department

Qualitative measures can be harder to track, but they are just as important. Evaluating the feedback of your customers or leads can provide valuable insights into how a campaign is performing, as well as what changes could be made to improve it.

Our marketing firm can capture these insights through surveys, interviews, and other methods, and use them to continuously optimize your campaigns

What Is The Difference Between A B2B Marketing Agency And A Regular Agency?

Specialization in campaigns that target businesses

A B2B marketing agency is specialized in campaigns that target businesses rather than individual consumers. These agencies are experienced in understanding the complexities of the B2B industry, and their campaigns are designed to reach a more targeted audience.

Focused on specialized services

At its core, B2B is about building relationships with prospects and customers to create trust and loyalty, and a B2B marketing company can help companies do just that. With our guidance and expertise, we'll be your partner in creating effective B2B marketing programs that will help your business grow.

Creating trust and loyalty with customers

Unlike regular agencies, a B2B internet marketing agency will typically focus on more specialized services, with an emphasis on market research, lead generation and nurturing strategies, and account management. They understand the nuances of a B2B relationship, and their strategies take into consideration the complexity of B2B sales cycles.

  • Business to business (B2B) marketing is a type of marketing strategy that is geared towards the interests, needs and pain points of other businesses, as opposed to individual consumers. The aim of B2B marketing is to advertise your brand, product or services to other businesses, in order to convert them to long-term customers.

  • A B2B marketing strategy depends on your individual brand, offerings and industry. That being said, there are some common aspects of a robust B2B marketing strategy. These include defined objectives, research of your target audience and steps for achieving your desired goals. Above all, a good marketing strategy is flexible and changes with evolving B2B consumer demands.

  • We are a leading B2B content marketing agency with proven success in helping brands revive stale marketing strategies. Whether you are new to the game or seeking to take your business to new heights, our professional team can help you maximize your marketing ROI and improve your bottom line.


If you’re not ready to work with us yet, get our free mind map “The Ideal Marketing Department 2024”

Find weaknesses and growth points in your team

Launch Your Growth Journey Now

Become a Ninja Promo partner and leap-frog your competition. But first, let’s:

  • Take a deep dive into your business and objectives.

  • Establish tailored strategies that propel you towards your goals.

  • Outline expectations, deliverables, and budgets.